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Covid-19 “could spread like wildfire” in Cox’s Bazar Rohingya refugee camp

Farah Kabir, Country Director at ActionAid Bangladesh, is available for interviews about the risk to Cox’s Bazar Rohingya refugee camp following two confirmed cases of Covid-19.


Women lead ActionAid’s response to Cyclone Amphan

This piece outlines ActionAid's humanitarian response to Cyclone Amphan which is likely to make landfall in Bangladesh in May 2020

Our future is in respect for natural ecosystems

This ActionAid opinion piece examines how agroecology may help to prevent further pandemics

Believe in Better working paper

This is an independent working paper developed in partnership between ActionAid and the Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, supported by the Major Group for Children and Youth, and

ActionAid provides food support to Cyclone Amphan survivors

ActionAid’s emergency teams are supporting communities as they face the devastation caused by Cyclone Amphan, amid the rising threat of Covid-19. Women leaders and young volunteers, trained by


ActionAid responds to COP26 delay

Harjeet Singh, global lead on climate for ActionAid, comments on the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) being delayed until 1st- 12th November 2021.

"Garment workers don’t care about catching Covid-19, their main worry is that they will starve"

Phyo leads ActionAid Myanmar’s work supporting garment workers affected by the coronavirus crisis. Here she explains why the pandemic is leaving informal workers without any means to support their


Trump administration must stop exporting Covid-19 to Central America

As the United States resumes deportation flights to Guatemala, ActionAid is calling for an end to the Trump administration’s inhumane and disastrous policy of mass detention and expulsion of migrants


'Women and girls are living in a pressure cage'

Sharmin Akter, 21, is a case management worker for ActionAid. She supports women and girls living in the Rohingya refugee camps at Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Here Sharmin explains why COVID-19 reaching

Covid-19: A women-led response

ActionAid research shows how lockdowns and coronavirus restrictions have unleashed a shocking surge in gender-based violence globally.

But while violence is rising, women’s shelters are being shut