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When leaders act like children

This blog by Sesheeni Joud Selvaratnam, International Programme and Policy Lead, questions why we don't see more action from our leaders and asks why we don't pay attention to our young activist


ActionAid responds to political crisis in Myanmar

As the political crisis in Myanmar escalates, ActionAid raises concerns about the impact of the military takeover on the country’s most vulnerable communities.

ActionAid calls on rich countries and pharmaceutical companies to stop blocking cheap generic vaccines

ActionAid is supporting calls for a People’s Vaccine – a vaccine that is available to all, in all countries, free of charge.


Palestinian community destroyed by Israeli forces for the fifth time in less than three months

ActionAid Palestine condemns the illegal and forcible transfer of the community of Humsa Al Bqai’a in the Jordan Valley. This community has been dismantled four times in one week and for the fifth


Women’s groups lead the fight against misinformation as Ebola returns to DRC

A network of local women’s groups, trained by ActionAid as emergency responders during the last Ebola outbreak, are working to prevent the spread of the deadly disease as it returns to the Democratic


Major step towards tax transparency as EU Council backs public country-by-country reporting directive

A majority of European Council members have today supported the EU country-by-country reporting directive in an important step towards tax transparency.


ActionAid responds to violence against peaceful protesters in Myanmar

As the political crisis in Myanmar continues to escalate with deadly crackdowns on peaceful protests, ActionAid stands in solidarity with the civil society organisations, movements and people


Women protest rising violence and political corruption in Haiti

Women are taking to the streets in Haiti to protest against soaring levels of violence, kidnapping, rape and torture since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and escalating political crisis.

Africa needs a People’s Vaccine – a Covid-19 vaccine accessible to everybody free of charge

Covid-19 has killed over a hundred thousand people across Africa, decimated African economies, and pushed millions of people into poverty and hunger with no end in sight unless there is a shift to


Joint CSO statement on the arrest and detention of ActionAid Zambia's chair

We, the undersigned civil society organisations strongly condemn the arrest and detention of ActionAid Zambia and Zitukule Consortium chairperson Mr Partner Siabutuba in Choma on 10 March.