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ActionAid responds to violence against peaceful protesters in Myanmar

As the political crisis in Myanmar continues to escalate with deadly crackdowns on peaceful protests, ActionAid stands in solidarity with the civil society organisations, movements and people demonstrating peacefully.

Julia Sánchez, Secretary General of ActionAid International, says:

“ActionAid is deeply concerned about the current situation in Myanmar. We strongly condemn the use of violence on peaceful protesters and support their right to peaceful assembly. We extend our deepest condolences to the families of those who have lost loved ones due to the violence.

“We urge all parties to resolve issues in a peaceful manner. We shall continue to extend our support to the people of Myanmar during this period.

“ActionAid is particularly concerned about the impact of this change in leadership on the development sector due to the threat of sanctions. We are determined to continue to support civil society organisations in Myanmar and grassroots work with vulnerable communities.”
