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Girls being married off to get their families food, finds ActionAid report on drought in Southern Africa

It is time to prioritise young women’s protection in the face of the devastating impacts of an ongoing El Nino-induced drought in Southern Africa

Covid-19 Food Crisis: Monitoring research

ActionAid’s Covid-19 Food Crisis Monitoring research explores how measures to control the pandemic are affecting the lives of women smallholder farmers across 14 countries in Asia and Africa.

Women and the City III

This report reflects the experiences of more than 3,000 women and girls living in urban communities in Brazil, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Liberia, Nepal, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Gender Responsive Public Services and Macro-Economic Policy in Ghana

Improving public services is vital to progress on the fulfilment of girls’ and women’s rights: to education, to health (including sexual and reproductive health services), to water and sanitation, to

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Women's Leadership in Resilience

Changing weather patterns and rising temperatures are increasing the likelihood and severity of disasters, while the risks of violent conflict, human and animal epidemics, environmental degradation

Covid-19: A women-led response

ActionAid research shows how lockdowns and coronavirus restrictions have unleashed a shocking surge in gender-based violence globally.

But while violence is rising, women’s shelters are being shut

Whose City?

Some successful and innovative ways that women’s rights, social justice and civil society organisations influence and work with governments to improve women’s urban safety.

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Stop Violence Against Girls in School

A lack of knowledge about violence against girls has hindered efforts to stop it. ActionAid’s 2013 Stop Violence Against Girls in School report is one of the first comprehensive studies to provide

Women and the city

This report uses participatory methods to measure safety developed by a range of organisations in the “safe cities movement” to document the lives of women whose knowledge and views of their urban