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190 organisations join our call for increased funding for education post-Covid

On 28th July 2020 ActionAid convened a ground-breaking webinar on the domestic financing of education beyond the Covid-19 pandemic. You can view the full recoding of the webinar and read the call to


Anti-racism in education: promoting racial equity and building a global anti-racist movement

The Transformative and Anti-racist Educational System project (SETA) secured US$10 million from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to enable transformative long-term changes to Brazil’s systems and


Financing Matters

This toolkit aims to support civil society organisations and education activists across low- and middle-income countries to advocate and campaign on issues related to financing for education, as a

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The bedrock of inclusion

This report, a collaboration between ActionAid, Education International and Light for the World, highlights obstacles to teacher financing and their ability to deliver disability-inclusive education.


Jáfia Naftali Câmara

Jáfia Naftali Câmara is a Doctoral Researcher at the University of Bristol's School of Education. Her research interests include immigration, language, asylum support, poverty, education in


Financing the Future: Delivering Sustainable Development Goal 4

As a result of chronic, sustained underfunding, public education systems in developing countries are ill-prepared to continue operating during this pandemic. Governments have failed to adequately

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ActionAid Joins Hundreds of Organisations Declaring That ‘Our Future Is Public’

In December 2022 an unprecedented gathering of movements working for public services and resisting privatisation took place in Santiago, Chile, titled Our Future Is Public. On 26th January 2023 the


TEGINT Mid-Term Review

Transforming Education for Girls in Nigeria and Tanzania (TEGINT) is a five-year £4 million Comic Relief funded project coordinated by ActionAid. TEGINT aims to achieve a transformation in girls’

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The Public Versus Austerity: Why public sector wage bill constraints must end

Based on ground-breaking research our new report published with Public Services International and Education International exposes how austerity cuts in just 15 countries have blocked recruitment of


Young women: life choices and livelihoods in poor urban India

A scoping study of three cities in India, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Chennai, was conducted to better understand young women’s experiences in urban areas and inform ActionAid India’s intention to launch an