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Trade deal negotiations must be paused during the Covid-19 crisis

ActionAid and hundreds of other organisations have called for trade deal talks to be suspended during the Covid-19 crisis. This post explores why.

World Day Against Child Labour: How ActionAid is Fighting Back on Child Labour

In 2020, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) estimated that approximately 160 million children worldwide were trapped in child labour with 79 million of these performing hazardous forms of

How Shell is devastating the Niger Delta

As Shell faces climate charges in Dutch court, activists in the Niger Delta speak out about the fossil fuel giant’s devastating impact on their communities.


Climate Ambition Summit an opportunity to take bold climate crisis decisions, say ActionAid climate experts

At the start of New York Climate Week, and on the eve of the UN Secretary General’s Climate Ambition Summit, to be held on Wednesday 20th September in New York, ActionAid’s climate experts share their


Whose Bargain is this for?

The Grand Bargain was launched during the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016, as a unique agreement between humanitarian agencies and donors to reform and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of


"Inequality is the mother of all pre-existing conditions" 

We must revisit the fundamental values that underpin financing for development. Human solidarity and wellbeing; not just economic growth, national self-interest, nor profit, should be the basis for


Leading Astronauts make a call to Earth ahead of the G7 summit - urging international cooperation for the sake of people and planet

Leading Astronauts from the USA, Japan and South Korea have joined forces in a new short film targeting G7 leaders, who meet this weekend in Cornwall, UK.

Their new film, titled “Call to Earth: G7”


Our funding

This page provide information about ActionAid International's donors and funding.

News /

IPC’s imminent famine announcement a “grim milestone for millions of Palestinians” and a “stain on humanity’s conscience”

In response to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report forecasting imminent famine in northern Gaza, ActionAid has denounced the announcement as a "stain on humanity’s

“Increasingly difficult to bridge the divide”: ActionAid reflects on six months into the humanitarian response to Ukraine crisis

Six months since Russia invaded Ukraine, five of ActionAid’s humanitarian aid workers reflect on their experiences working with refugees in and around Ukraine.
Protection for women and children