Biofuels - At What Cost? (UK)
Biofuels - At What Cost? (Germany)
SelFISH Europe: How the Economic Partnership Agreements would further contribute to the decline of fish stocks and exacerbate the food crisis in Senegal
Against a background of unprecedented food shortages, including in Senegal, this study aims to analyse how the Economic Partnership Agreements currently under negotiation between the EU and West
Real Aid 2: Making Technical Assistance Work
This report argues that extensive reform of technical assistance is urgently needed to ensure that the aid increases pledged in 2005 result in genuine benefits for people living in the poorest

Real Aid: An agenda for making aid work
The problems underlying the gulf between official and real aid are not new.Donors have signed up to numerous international agreements to improve the quality of their aid. Yet this agenda has made

Farming as Equals: How supporting women's rights and gender equality makes the difference
Smallholder farmers currently produce 90 per cent of food in Africa and around half of all food worldwide. Across the developing world, women account for 60 to 80 per cent of these farmers. Yet, the

Fuelling Evictions - Community Cost of EU Biofuels Boom
Over 20,000 people living in the Dakatcha Woodland, in Kenya’s coast region, are at risk of losing their homes and land for a biofuels plantation, producing fuel for the EU market. This report shows

Challenging Self-interest: Getting EU aid fit for the fight against poverty
This year’s AidWatch report confirms that EU member states are off-track to meet their aid quantity and aid effectiveness commitments, and are increasingly prioritising self-interested aid policies

Sustainability Criteria Review for Jatropha Biofuels from Dakatcha Woodland in Kenya
The European Union’s Renewable Energy Directive contains a set of criteria designed to encourage the promotion of biofuels from sustainable sources.To count towards renewable energy targets in the EU

Fuel for thought: Addressing the social impacts of EU biofuels policies
In recent years, communities supported by ActionAid and its partners from around the world have suffered the negative impacts of industrial biofuels production projects and policies. While ActionAid