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Multi-country research on private education in compliance with the right to education

How are private schools impacting the realisation of children and young people’s human rights? And particularly their right to education?

Private education and compliance with the Abidjan Principles

This ActionAid publication looks at private education and compliance with the Abidjan Principles. The report focuses on Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Nigeria.

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The impact of privatisation on the fulfilment of the Right to Education in 7 African countries

The governments of Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda must provide free public education of the highest attainable quality using the maximum of available resources.


Education Action 21

This edition of Education Action addresses some of the key challenges confronted by the international education sector in the run-up to the publication of the mid-term review of the Education For All


Education Financing Toolkit

The toolkit is targeted at national education coalitions, teacher unions, NGOs and anyone else concerned to promote the right to education and committed to campaigning for more funding for basic


Education Action 20

This edition captures stories of innovative campaigning work from India to The Gambia, from Ghana to the USA, as well as creative approaches to accountability, mobilisation and transformation in


Education Action 22

This issue reflects some of the events that shaped education in 2007: a critical year as it marked the midway point to achieving the Education For All targets set for 2015. There are signs of hope


Education Review 2005-2009

This publication brings together various documents that came out of the review of ActionAid’s education work and strategy 2005-2009. The fully independent review took place in early 2009 and was


Breaking out of the Bubble to Transform Education Financing

A year ago the Transforming Education Summit (TES) was the highest level education meeting in history, convening Heads of States on an unprecedented scale to talk about the education crisis.


Toolkit on Education Financing

This toolkit, with its related resources, aims to help education activists reinforce their advocacy and campaign work on education financing. It aims to give practical information in an accessible