Multi-country research on private education in compliance with the right to education
A study of Ghana, Kenya and Uganda
How are private schools impacting the realisation of children and young people’s human rights? And particularly their right to education?
We've looked at private schools in Ghana, Kenya and Uganda, making use of the Abidjan Principles on the right to education to analyse national education laws and policies.
We've found that Ghana, Kenya and Uganda are not meeting their obligations to provide free and quality education. This is partly due to the underfunding of the sector in these three countries, and the private sector is growing as a result.
This growth of the private sector is causing and entrenching social inequalities, leading to stratification and huge disparities of education opportunities. Ghana, Kenya and Uganda must fulfil their obligations to provide free public education of the highest attainable quality. Increasing the size, share, sensitivity and scrutiny of the budget is necessary to give the necessary resources to public schools and to adequately regulate private providers.