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ActionAid calls for reforms to the IMF’s voting share structure, as the EU supports the Managing Director’s second-term bid

The announcement by European governments supporting a second term for the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgieva, is a slap in the face of efforts to make the


People’s Power vs. Rising Inequality: Women stand together for change

As global inequalities rise, women continue to lose out - we know that eight men own as much as the poorest half of the world. ActionAid research introduces us to some of the women who make up this

Stop Funding Destruction and Begin to #FundOurFuture

ActionAid today launched the Fund Our Future campaign during the People's Climate Summit in Nairobi, Kenya and published a report naming and shaming the biggest banks investing in fossil fuels and

50 Million People Trapped in Modern Slavery

A recent UN report ‘Global Estimates of Modern Slavery’ which shows that the number of people trapped in forced labour and forced marriage have increased significantly in the last five years to an


ActionAid reaction to relocation of COP25 climate negotiations to Madrid, Spain

"The shifting of COP25 from Chile to Madrid with only four weeks’ notice presents real barriers to participation for countries from the global South and civil society."


‘Zambia’s bondholders must demonstrate a measure of humanity’

Reacting to news that bondholders today have rejected Zambia's last-ditch effort to avoid plunging into default, ActionAid is calling for urgent debt cancellation to prevent the suffering of millions


Funding girls' education in emergencies

Covid-19 has had devastating impact on young women’s education. Young women and girls are at higher risk of early marriage and pregnancy. Massive investment in education is urgently needed. Let’s


Annual report 2017

In 2017 we began to implement our new 10-year Strategy 2028: Action for Global Justice which seeks to increase the collective impact we make on the big challenges that people living in poverty and


Statement on killing of Sub-Saharan migrants at the Spanish border

On the occasion of their 2022 annual meeting held in Madrid from 29-30 June, representatives to ActionAid’s General Assembly endorsed the following statement about the killing of migrants and asylum


Ministerial-level Pledging Event to Support the Humanitarian Response in Sudan and the Region

“We are deeply disappointed by today’s results at the pledging event. These results have failed to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of the people of Sudan at the intersect of growing hostilities