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Guide on how to run skillshares within humanitarian projects

ActionAid Denmark has produced a new guide on how organisations can use skillshares as part of projects working with humanitarian projects. The guide is free to download on this page. It was funded

Whose City?

Some successful and innovative ways that women’s rights, social justice and civil society organisations influence and work with governments to improve women’s urban safety.

Financing education

This page outlines the way that ActionAid works to finance education around the world.

COP25: ‘It’s not too late’ to support communities on the frontline of the climate crisis

Voices from the climate justice movement urge ministers to stop US interference and improve outcomes on finance for climate survivors

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World Teachers Day: Funding the right to quality, inclusive education

With schools across the world gradually re-opening after protracted closures due to Covid-19, the critical role of teachers in ensuring that all children are able to enjoy their fundamental right to

Conservation or land grabbing? The case of Mbulia Group Ranch

Sometimes, conservation can be used as a cover for landgrabbing. This story, of the Mbulia Group Ranch in Kenya, is an example of how this can happen.

Human rights: universal, inalienable and indivisible

This blog is by Dr. Maria Ron Balsera, the Research and Advocacy Coordinator for ActionAid International. She works on Tax Privatisation and the Right to Education: influencing education financing

Trade deal negotiations must be paused during the Covid-19 crisis

ActionAid and hundreds of other organisations have called for trade deal talks to be suspended during the Covid-19 crisis. This post explores why.

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How the IMF’s Comprehensive Surveillance Review sidelines gender equality

The International Monetary Fund’s recently published Comprehensive Surveillance Review (CSR) fails to address the impact of its policy prescriptions on gender equality and women’s rights, the ability

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Sweet Nothings

Sweet Nothings examines the tax practices of one of the world’s largest food multinationals, the Associated British Foods (ABF) group, in Zambia, one of the most impoverished countries in which it