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AidWatch 2014: Aid beyond 2015

Key messages and findings:Aid quantity:Despite growing humanitarian and development challenges, such as the recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa, EU aid is off track to meet the 0.7% aid target in


Fair shares: is CAADP working?

ActionAid, African Union Commission and ONE Campaign held a high level panel discussion as part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU).  The

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Game of two halves – football finals offer ray of hope in Europe while Uganda turns stadium into Covid-19 hospital

Number of Ugandans fully vaccinated equivalent to less than 5% of Wembley stadium capacity.


A call for action to ensure strong regulation of the financial sector to avoid environmental, social and governance risks

Across Africa, Latin America and Asia families are being forced off their land and rainforests razed to the ground – for projects backed by European money.Companies looking for land to grow crops for


Hotter Planet, Humanitarian Crisis

The world is currently enduring an unprecedented combination of climate-related crises. We are living through what will almost certainly be the hottest year on record, and have faced one of the


IMF’s persistent push for austerity reckless in face of Ukraine conflict and looming food crisis

ActionAid urges governments to resist advice to tighten public spending as Spring meetings expose huge gulf between IMF’s progressive rhetoric globally and actions on the ground in the countries

ActionAid calls on rich countries and pharmaceutical companies to stop blocking cheap generic vaccines

ActionAid is supporting calls for a People’s Vaccine – a vaccine that is available to all, in all countries, free of charge.


El Niño: The Silent Emergency

In April 2016, the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator, Stephen O’Brien, alerted governments gathered in Geneva that they collectively faced “an alarming funding gap of over $2.2 billion” to


International board members

Find out more about ActionAid International’s board members

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G7 support for pharma monopolies is putting millions of lives at risk

head of the G7 Leaders’ Summit, the People’s Vaccine Alliance warned that G7 promises to vaccinate the world by 2022 will be impossible to fulfil, if governments continue blocking proposals to waive