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Handbook for loss and damage assessment

This ActionAid publication is a guide to conducting an assessment for the loss and damage caused by climate change.

ActionAid's feminist research guidelines

This guidance note aims to support ActionAid staff and partners and those interested in how ActionAid does, or commissions, feminist research. It accompanies our ActionAid Research Signature and

Principles for a Just Transition in Agriculture

To address the food system’s significant contribution and vulnerability to climate change, agriculture must move away from intensive and industrialised approaches towards food systems based on

CSOs open letter to European Commission on the Farm to Fork strategy to achieve sustainable food systems

ActionAid and other civil society organisations has written to the European Commission about the 'Farm to Fork' food strategy. The letter and accompanying papers can be read on this page.


ActionAid & Global Witness briefing on investors and sustainability

The EU has adopted new rules requiring investors to be transparent about the impacts that their investments have on human rights and the environment, and to publish their due diligence policies

ActionAid contribution to the external dimension of the European Green Deal

This page outlines ActionAid's contribution to the external dimension of the European Green Deal as set out on Monday 25 November, 2019.


ActionAid Global Information Policy

ActionAid Global Information Policy


Case studies that reflect our work in the 4 International Platforms

Case studies that reflect our work in the 4 International Platforms

Public policies that advance or hinder rural women’s and young people’s livelihoods and climate justice for all

ActionAid seeks a major paradigm shift to tackle the global climate emergency and gender equality crisis. The discussion paper highlights the key policies that hinder and enable rural women and young