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Young women: life choices and livelihoods in poor urban areas

This paper is a part of the ActionAid young urban women scoping exercise conducted in India, South Africa and Ghana.The paper provides some overall regional trends for: population increases and

Framework 2018: Gender-Responsive Public Services

This framework offers practical guidance to all matters relating to public services, including education, health, transport, water and sanitation, early childcare, agricultural extension and street

On World Refugee Day: Why the world needs to stop being racist to refugees

Following the war in Ukraine, there are now a staggering 100 million forcibly displaced people around the world. That means 100 million people who have had to flee; leave jobs, livelihoods and family


A cross-country analysis of baseline research from Nigeria and Tanzania

This report analyses data from the Baseline Study conducted for the Transforming Education for Girls in Nigeria and Tanzania (TEGINT) project in Nigeria and Tanzania between 2007 and 2009. TEGINT is a


The role of teachers in improving learning in Burundi, Malawi, Senegal and Uganda: great expectations, little support

Understanding what is happening with teachers' availability, training and quality is one of the most pressing issues facing education in Africa today.  Over the past decade many African countries have


ILOPS report on parental participation

The ILOPS research explores the different ways in which parents participate in school, including their interaction with teachers and within communities. Research teams also examined how parents


EducationAction 24

This issue starts with an article on the UN Conference on Adult Education, CONFINTEA VI, which was held in Brazil in late 2009. David Archer sat on the drafting committee for the Belem Framework for

News /

ActionAid Palestine condemns demolition of school in the West Bank

On Sunday morning 7th of May 2023, the Israeli Security Forces break into the Palestinian village of Beit Ta’amer near Bethlehem city in the West Bank and fully demolished Jubet Ad Dib school. Jubet


Making the grade: A model national policy for the prevention, management and elimination of violence against girls in schoo

This model policy is aimed at prevention, management and – in the long term – elimination of violence against girls in schools. This will help ensure girls’ access to school, as well as their


Writing the Wrongs

In order to make the case for renewed commitment and investment there is an urgent need for governments to take new action on adult literacy. This document calls for action to “write the wrongs” in