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Fertile Ground: How governments and donors can halve hunger by supporting small farmers

Empowering local farmers to produce more food for local markets is the bedrock of global food security. Small farmers, the majority of whom are women, are responsible for 90 per cent of the food grown


Cornerstones of ActionAid's approach to Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools

Six one page briefs outlining the key aspects of ActionAid's approach to Disaster Risk Reduction through schools.  The briefs come from ActionAid's DFID-funded Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools

Women and the City III

This report reflects the experiences of more than 3,000 women and girls living in urban communities in Brazil, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Liberia, Nepal, South Africa and Zimbabwe.


Briefings on Climate Justice and Finance

ActionAid, Christian Aid, Oxfam, Power Shift Africa, Re-Course, Urgewald and have produced a series of short one page explainer briefings on why we need to #FixTheFinance.


Broken Promises

In 2014, the Swiss company Addax Bioenergy will begin exporting ethanol from a sugar cane plantation in Sierra Leone to the EU. This will be the first commercial quantities of biofuels to be exported


SelFISH Europe: How the Economic Partnership Agreements would further contribute to the decline of fish stocks and exacerbate the food crisis in Senegal

Against a background of unprecedented food shortages, including in Senegal, this study aims to analyse how the Economic Partnership Agreements currently under negotiation between the EU and West


Making her own choices: young women’s rights in poor urban areas

This programme framework is informed by three country level and international reviews of the literature related to young women, livelihoods and sexual and reproductive health, and empirical research


Out of Pocket: how much are parents paying for public education that should be free?

According to international human rights law, primary education should be free of charge, and secondary education should be made progressively free. Yet in many developing countries education is rarely


Unjust waters - climate change, flooding and the protection of poor urban communities

This report uses participatory techniques to investigate the impacts of climate change and urban flooding on populations in six major cities across Africa – Nairobi (Kenya), Kampala (Uganda), Lagos


Assessment Toolkit: Assessing gender-sensitive implementation and country-level monitoring of the Tenure Governance and Africa Land Policy Guidelines

Secure tenure over land, fisheries and forests is central to global efforts to end poverty and hunger in local communities (and in particular among indigenous peoples and women), and to ensure