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The Learning Generation: Domestic Tax and Education

Globally there are some fundamental challenges in education –with 121 million primary or lower secondary age children out of school (EFAGMR 2015) and 250 million children who are in school but not

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The effects of privatisation on girls’ access to free, quality public education

Governments have a duty to ensure the right to free, public education of good quality for all. However, in many countries, the low quality of public education is driving parents to pay for private

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Making tax work for girls’ education

Globally, there are 264 million primary and secondary age children and youth out of school. More girls than boys currently receive no primary education and many pupils in school in developing


Transforming Education for Girls in Tanzania: Baseline research summary report

This report is the culmination of much work by the Transforming Education for Girls in Nigeria and Tanzania (TEGINT) project partnership, in particular the work of the national implementing partner in

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How governments are failing on the right to education

This report presents important new findings on the right to education from citizen-led research in Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Nepal. Unlike most such studies it is the product of research and


Education versus Austerity

Building on our major report The Public Versus Austerity (see below), Education Versus Austerity (also below) provides a synthesis of the key finds as applied to education. The briefing challenges the


Transforming Education Financing Toolkit

Transforming education toolkit


Education Rights - A guide for practioners and activists

This resource pack draws on learning and experience from work in education by ActionAid, our partners, and coalitions of which we are part, over the last thirty years.  We have drawn together this


Transforming education for girls in Nigeria: Baseline research summary report

This report is the culmination of much work by the Transforming Education for Girls in Nigeria and Tanzania (TEGINT) project partnership, in particular the work of the national implementing partner in

Tax, privatisation and the right to education

This report brings together participatory research carried out in Ghana, Kenya, Uganda and Pakistan as part of the Tax, Privatisation and Right to Education multi country project.