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How safe spaces for women and girls are strengthening the resilience of communities in Jordan.

Resilience. Protection. Urban. Women-led. Jordan. Syrian-Refugee-Crisis. Disaster Risk Reduction. Empowerment.

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Terrified families returning to Gaza’s north: “We would rather die in dignity in our own homes” 

Terrified families returning to Gaza’s north: “We would rather die in dignity in our own homes” 

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Ukraine: one year on

It’s been a year since the Ukraine conflict started with around 12 million people have been forced to flee their homes in Ukraine. By mid-December 2022, at least 5,9 million people were estimated to

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11 INGOs call on the EU to act immediately to prevent famine in Gaza

11 INGOs call on the EU to act immediately to prevent famine in Gaza

ActionAid stands with the people of Ukraine

ActionAid stands with the people of Ukraine

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ActionAid is gravely concerned about the intensified attack on Rafah"

"We are gravely concerned that the intensified attack on Rafah has led to the closure of all aid routes into Gaza.

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After 200 days of crisis, Gaza is becoming a graveyard for women and girls, says ActionAid 

As the crisis in Gaza passes its 200th day, ActionAid is warning that Gaza is becoming a graveyard for women and girls. At least 70% of the more than 34,000 people killed


Beyond caring: Enabling women’s leadership in disaster risk reduction by breaking down the barrier of unpaid care work

Women are crucial and necessary leaders in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and humanitarian response. However, a key challenge to realising women’s leadership of and participation in DRR is recognising


Ukraine Crisis: How we're working with partners

ActionAid is working with local partners to support people fleeing Ukraine.

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Response to the ICJ’s announcement that Israel must halt its military actions

Responding to the ICJ’s announcement that Israel must halt its military actions in Rafah, southern Gaza, ActionAid said: