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A third of people affected by Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh still ‘traumatised’ and struggling with physical and mental health a decade on, new research by ActionAid shows 

New research by humanitarian organisation ActionAid has revealed the continuing challenges being endured by survivors of the collapsed Rana Plaza building in Dhaka on the 24 April 2013.

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ActionAid Welcomes ICC’s Steps Towards Accountability and Justice

ActionAid welcomes the recent statement by ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan


Working for and with young people

Being young is never easy, but in a context of crisis, it is more than challenging. All around the world, young women and men, girls and boys are affected by the consequences of disasters, conflicts

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International Donors’ Conference in support of the people in Turkey and Syria

As the Syrian crisis marks its twelfth year of conflict, a grim future for Syrians persists, amidst a protracted crisis characterized with recurrent displacement, hostilities, social instability

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Mont des Arts lit up with remarkable projection demanding ceasefire

On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, a call for a permanent and immediate ceasefire was projected at Mont des Arts in Brussels.

“The fish in the river are gone”- Fishing communities devastated by El Nino-induced drought, as Zimbabwe joins Malawi and Zambia in declaring a state of disaster

Over 20 million people in Southern Africa are facing a severe food security crisis due to the El Nino-induced drought. Affecting crop and livestock production as well as water availability in the

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Evacuation orders for 22 hospitals across Gaza “a breach of international law,” ActionAid warns

Evacuation orders for 22 hospitals across Gaza “a breach of international law,” ActionAid warns

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Civilians are not pawns in war games and must be protected

Civilians are not pawns in war games and must be protected, ActionAid says, as staff member loses their home in Gaza bombing

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ActionAid's Letter to the EU: Gaza Crisis

ActionAid's Letter to the EU: Gaza Crisis