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Bangladesh Floods: "It will take years to recover and flood-proof our communities"

Noakhali Flood Response

Farah Kabir, Country Director at ActionAid Bangladesh 

A severe humanitarian disaster nearly 5,000 miles away in my country in South Asia has gone virtually unnoticed in the news despite over 50 people now losing their lives. 

No stranger to severe climate disasters, eastern Bangladesh is currently facing unprecedented flooding and heavy rainfall, marking the worst floods we’ve seen in nearly 30 years.  

On the 21 August, severe rains caused rivers to burst their banks, submerging vast areas and displacing millions while wiping out entire communities across where we work.

In the first few days of the crisis alone, 1.2 million homes, 2,000 schools, and 50 hospitals were decimated, leaving countless families – including our own staff members and their families - now taking refuge in flood shelters and facing dire shortages of food, clean water, and medical supplies.

Even as floodwaters begin receding, this crisis isn’t yet over for us. The risk of waterborne diseases like cholera and diarrhoea spreading among thousands in these shelters grows with each passing day. 

ActionAid has launched an urgent fundraising appeal to assist families and communities devastated by the floods. We are already providing initial emergency aid which will reach about 15,000 families, including food, clean drinking water, and emergency medicine to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. 

To reach waterlogged communities in Noakhali District - the most affected by the disaster - our youth volunteers are braving treacherous conditions, traveling by small boats to deliver food and crucial supplies to those stranded by the floods. 

Donations are critical to providing immediate relief, including food, clean water, and emergency medical aid. Every contribution can make a significant difference, helping to save lives and alleviate the crisis facing many families right now. 

Yet, beyond immediate relief, the road to recovery will be long and difficult. Rebuilding infrastructure, restoring livelihoods, and flood-proofing our communities will take years, requiring sustained support and solidarity from the UK government and the public. 

We appreciate any support you can offer, even a small contribution can make a difference. Your support can help us respond to the crisis, and rebuild lives, livelihoods and communities in Bangladesh. 

A woman collects essential relief items from an ActionAid distribution point in Noakhali Sadar District.

Bangladesh Floods Appeal

ActionAid and partners are responding in Noakhali District, delivering emergency supplies including food, water purification tablets, medicine and hygiene kits. We are planning to increase our emergency response over the coming days - please donate to help us reach more families. 

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