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Plans for debt restructuring in Zambia are an urgent first step

Devastating droughts and floods have already pushed many ordinary Zambians deeper into poverty, and will cripple our economy unless the rich nations who caused global warming provide the funds to

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ActionAid Zambia reaffirms its position on the IMF Managing Director’s visit.

Zambia will be expecting the IMF Managing Director alongside the US Treasury Secretary for a high-profile country visit. Against the backdrop of debt distress, the Zambian government reached an

Young people might be more resilient to the virus, but not to its impacts

This blog examines the challenges that young people face around the world, from Covid-19 to homelessness and lack of employment

New ActionAid research shows stark reality of Covid-19’s impact on young women’s lives in the developing world

ActionAid surveyed 1,219 young women living in urban areas across India, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa revealing lockdown measures have aggravated the pre-existing inequalities they face.

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An Extractive Affair

Malawi, the poorest country in the world, has lost out on US$43 million in revenue over the last six years, from a single company: the Australian mining company Paladin. This money has been lost

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Leaked Pandora Papers expose urgent need to stamp out tax avoidance by wealthy and political elite

As the Pandora Papers reveal yet again the extensive use of tax havens and tax secrecy by the economic and political elite, ActionAid International calls on governments to step up their efforts to

Statement in response to xenophobic attacks against migrants in South Africa

“A country that does not know its history cannot learn from its mistakes. The South African government’s continued failure to protect migrants from xenophobic attacks shows at best, a lack of

Time is up - IMF and World Bank must end colonial rule, says ActionAid

The time is up for the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to continue with perpetuating a colonial rule, says ActionAid as the institutions concluded their Spring meetings in Washington DC

Supporting fair tax systems

This report looks at how countries in the global south can mobilise the needed revenues for investments to fight the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, save lives and protect people's livelihoods.

ActionAid: Afghans deserve better

One year on from the change of ruling power in Afghanistan, ActionAid calls for more support for Afghans living in extreme food insecurity and poverty.