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Fed Up: Now's the Time to Invest in Agroecology

With case study evidence from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia and Pakistan, and citing global studies and surveys, this report argues that agro-ecology – or ecological agriculture – offers tools that


Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture (CRSA) Experiences

Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture (CRSA) is an initiative ActionAid and partners have been developing, based on the science and practices of agroecology and the recognition of people’s right


Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture: Experiences from ActionAid and its partners

Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture (CRSA) is an initiative ActionAid and partners have been developing, based on the science and practices of agroecology and the recognition of people’s right

Who Owes Who?

As we enter 2025, 54 countries are in debt crisis, forced to cut their spending on basic public services and climate action in order to pay external debts. Last year, lower income countries between

Young Urban Women (YUW) Teleza Banda Primary School Teacher, in Mchinji, Impacted by the cholera outbreak