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Girls hardest hit by Covid-19 school closures – as teachers report spike in early marriage and teen pregnancies

As children in the global north head back to school, teachers across Asia, Africa and Latin America say many girls in their classes are struggling to return due to increases in early marriage

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Heavy rains threaten communities left homeless by Tropical Storm Ana

Heavy rains and Tropical Cyclone Batsirai are threatening communities in Southern Africa left reeling after Tropical Storm Ana destroyed their homes, schools and farmland.

ActionAid’s emergency teams


Historic UN tax vote for convention major win for public services

A historic tax resolution tabled by Nigeria on behalf of the Africa Group was adopted at the UN General Assembly on 22 November, 2023.

This kickstarts an intergovernmental UN process to negotiate a


“Climate change is real, and it has brought many challenges.”

In East Africa, historic drought has pushed communities in Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia and Somaliland to the brink of survival. Around 37 million people face severe hunger as the fifth rainy season fails


Young Urban Women: Exploring Interlinkages: Bodily Integrity, Economic Security and Equitable Distribution of Unpaid Care Work

ActionAid and its partners have, since 2013, been working to address the issues of bodily integrity and economic security among approximately 5800 young women in the age group of 15- 25 years in seven

IMF meetings are a chance to address harmful austerity and debt policies says ActionAid 

The International Monetary Fund and World Bank Annual meetings in Morocco are a chance to address harmful austerity and debt policies that have left millions in poverty on the African continent, says


Evaluation of ActionAid's response to 2011 drought and food crisis in Kenya

In 2011 a drought and food crisis in the Horn of Africa affected an estimated 13 million people.  In parts of Kenya, the disaster was considered to be the worst to afflict the country in over 60 years


Farming as Equals: How supporting women's rights and gender equality makes the difference

Smallholder farmers currently produce 90 per cent of food in Africa and around half of all food worldwide. Across the developing world, women account for 60 to 80 per cent of these farmers. Yet, the


Don't COP Out!

Don't COP Out!This report highlights the devestating impacts climate change is having on developing countries and outlines the crucial decisions which need to be made by developed countires during the


African Women’s Land Rights Conference Final Report

ActionAid International, ACORD and Oxfam with support from other partners convened the African Women’s Land Rights Conference, from the 30th May to the 2nd June 2011 in Nairobi, Kenya to discuss the