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Big business’ windfall profits rocket to “obscene” $1 trillion a year amid cost-of-living crisis; Oxfam and ActionAid renew call for windfall taxes    

722 of the world’s biggest corporations together raked in over $1 trillion in windfall profits each year for the past two years amid soaring prices and interest rates, while billions of people are

IMF meetings are a chance to address harmful austerity and debt policies says ActionAid 

The International Monetary Fund and World Bank Annual meetings in Morocco are a chance to address harmful austerity and debt policies that have left millions in poverty on the African continent, says

ActionAid calls for reforms to the IMF’s voting share structure, as the EU supports the Managing Director’s second-term bid

The announcement by European governments supporting a second term for the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgieva, is a slap in the face of efforts to make the

Time is up - IMF and World Bank must end colonial rule, says ActionAid

The time is up for the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to continue with perpetuating a colonial rule, says ActionAid as the institutions concluded their Spring meetings in Washington DC

New research: Blended finance for climate action - Good value for money?

During COP28 the issue of ‘blended finance’ for climate action was a major focus - particularly at the inaugural Business and Philanthropy Climate Forum. This event saw global funds – the Green

ActionAid responds to the loss of life in Kenya protests: "Every life lost is a wound on the nation’s soul”

“It is outrageous that protesters, mainly young people standing up against an unfair bill that was drafted without adequate public participation