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Taking Points by AU Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture at the Sighing Ceremony of the MOU between AUC and ActionAid international

This documents summarises the Talking Points by Her Excellency TUMUSIIME Rhoda Peace, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture Africa Union Commission at the Signing Ceremony of the MOU between


Young women: life choices and livelihoods in poor urban areas

This paper is a part of the ActionAid young urban women scoping exercise conducted in India, South Africa and Ghana.The paper provides some overall regional trends for: population increases and

Covid-19 Food Crisis: Monitoring research

ActionAid’s Covid-19 Food Crisis Monitoring research explores how measures to control the pandemic are affecting the lives of women smallholder farmers across 14 countries in Asia and Africa.


Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools; learning from our experience 5 years on

This executive summary outlines the findings of a learning review on ActionAid's 5 year Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools (DRRS) project, implemented in 9 countries across Africa, Asia and the


Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools - a groundbreaking project

This leaflet offers an introduction to ActionAid's Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools project, mid-way through its five year implementation.  The project is operational in 9 countries across


Fertile Ground: How governments and donors can halve hunger by supporting small farmers

Empowering local farmers to produce more food for local markets is the bedrock of global food security. Small farmers, the majority of whom are women, are responsible for 90 per cent of the food grown


Cornerstones of ActionAid's approach to Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools

Six one page briefs outlining the key aspects of ActionAid's approach to Disaster Risk Reduction through schools.  The briefs come from ActionAid's DFID-funded Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools

Women and the City III

This report reflects the experiences of more than 3,000 women and girls living in urban communities in Brazil, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Liberia, Nepal, South Africa and Zimbabwe.


Briefings on Climate Justice and Finance

ActionAid, Christian Aid, Oxfam, Power Shift Africa, Re-Course, Urgewald and have produced a series of short one page explainer briefings on why we need to #FixTheFinance.


Broken Promises

In 2014, the Swiss company Addax Bioenergy will begin exporting ethanol from a sugar cane plantation in Sierra Leone to the EU. This will be the first commercial quantities of biofuels to be exported