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EU Commission’s announcement on fertiliser takes agriculture in ‘completely the wrong direction’

Reacting to the European Commission's announcement on ensuring availability and affordability of fertiliser, Teresa Anderson, ActionAid's Global lead on Climate Justice, said:

Women disproportionately impacted by climate change must have their voices heard at COP27, says ActionAid International

On ‘Gender Day’ at COP27, ActionAid is calling on world leaders to put the voices of women and girls from the Global South living through the reality of the climate crisis at the heart of COP27

US agriculture announcements at COP27 are ‘patronising and harmful’, says ActionAid

Reacting to the AIM4Climate and Fertiliser Challenge announcements made by the United States on Agriculture Day at COP27, ActionAid International’s Global Lead on Climate Justice, Teresa Anderson said

Developed nations ‘hiding behind’ need for more information on losses and damages when the evidence is clear, says ActionAid

Commenting on loss and damage negotiations at COP27 after the first week, Teresa Anderson, Global Lead for Climate Justice at ActionAid International, said:

EU proposal on loss and damage funding is ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’, says ActionAid International

“The EU has made a proposal which might, on the surface, seem like a breakthrough to establish a fund that could help communities cope with loss and damage, and that also seems to champion the 1.5°C

Global Shield initiative is just a ‘distraction’ and should not be mistaken for loss and damage funding, says ActionAid International

Commenting on the latest announcement at COP27 on the Global Shield initiative, Teresa Anderson, Global Lead on Climate Justice for ActionAid International said:

ActionAid hails loss and damage fund outcome at COP27 as victory for people living on the front lines of climate disasters

A decision at COP27 to establish a loss and damage fund for communities living on the front lines of climate disasters has been hailed a victory by climate justice organisation ActionAid. 

ActionAid responds to UN conference on Pakistan’s recovery after devastating flooding

“Last year’s floods in Pakistan, which left a third of the country underwater, is an unmistakable sign that the climate emergency is becoming more brutal and devastating by the month.


ActionAid responds to appointment of UAE COP28 President

Commenting on the appointment, Teresa Anderson, Global Lead on Climate Justice at ActionAid, said: “This appointment goes beyond putting the fox in charge of the henhouse.

“The UN Climate Summit is

Humanitarian charity helps communities prepare for the worst as storm Freddy heads for Mozambique. 

Humanitarian organisation ActionAid is concerned about the intensity of tropical cyclone Freddy and the crippling impact on vulnerable communities in Madagascar, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe.