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Big business’ windfall profits rocket to “obscene” $1 trillion a year amid cost-of-living crisis; Oxfam and ActionAid renew call for windfall taxes    

722 of the world’s biggest corporations together raked in over $1 trillion in windfall profits each year for the past two years amid soaring prices and interest rates, while billions of people are

IMF meetings are a chance to address harmful austerity and debt policies says ActionAid 

The International Monetary Fund and World Bank Annual meetings in Morocco are a chance to address harmful austerity and debt policies that have left millions in poverty on the African continent, says

New research: Blended finance for climate action - Good value for money?

During COP28 the issue of ‘blended finance’ for climate action was a major focus - particularly at the inaugural Business and Philanthropy Climate Forum. This event saw global funds – the Green

ActionAid calls for reforms to the IMF’s voting share structure, as the EU supports the Managing Director’s second-term bid

The announcement by European governments supporting a second term for the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgieva, is a slap in the face of efforts to make the

Time is up - IMF and World Bank must end colonial rule, says ActionAid

The time is up for the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to continue with perpetuating a colonial rule, says ActionAid as the institutions concluded their Spring meetings in Washington DC

ActionAid responds to the loss of life in Kenya protests: "Every life lost is a wound on the nation’s soul”

“It is outrageous that protesters, mainly young people standing up against an unfair bill that was drafted without adequate public participation