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ActionAid condemns Israeli raid of Palestinian human rights organisations

Israeli forces have raided the offices of several Palestinian human rights advocacy groups, which they had previously labelled as “terrorist organisations”, closing them down and reportedly seizing

ActionAid: We must come together to ensure a safe return for Rohingya refugees

The Rohingya people have now been displaced from their homes in Myanmar for five years, with almost a million of them living in refugee camps in Bangladesh. The majority of Rohingya refugees in

Reactions to the IMF programme in Zambia

ActionAid Zambia’s Country Director, Nalucha Nganga Ziba responds to the recently revealed new IMF programme in Zambia.

ActionAid comments on the Africa Adaptation Summit

Commenting on the Africa Adaptation Summit taking place in Rotterdam on 5th September, Nils Mollema, Climate Justice Policy Advisor at ActionAid Netherlands, says:

Make education an urgent global priority!

On 19th September 2022, for the first time ever, global leaders are gathering in New York for a summit focused only on education. The UN’s Transforming Education Summit is a recognition both of the

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ActionAid Zambia reaffirms its position on the IMF Managing Director’s visit.

Zambia will be expecting the IMF Managing Director alongside the US Treasury Secretary for a high-profile country visit. Against the backdrop of debt distress, the Zambian government reached an

ActionAid Brazil condemns attacks in Brasilia this weekend

ActionAid Brazil strongly condemns the radical and anti-democratic attacks that took place in the capital of Brazil, Brasilia, on Sunday 8 January, with the invasion and depredation of the

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On the launch of the Santiago Declaration for Public Services, ActionAid joins hundreds of organisations to demand 'Our Future is Public’

As the global polycrisis deepens, hundreds of millions continue to struggle with the cost of living. Public budgets are shrinking, and public sector wage bill cuts leave a crippling impact on the

Dozens of people are dead and hundreds are missing a few miles from the town of Pylos, in southwestern Greece

Javier Garcia, ActionAid International’s Head of Country Engagement and Transformation for Europe and Americas, said on migrant deaths off the coast of Pylos, Greece on 14 June 2023