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Joint CSO Recommendations on the European External Investment Plan

CSOs concerns regarding the EU External Investment Plan and recommendations to ensure a pro-poor instrument

Making Tax Work for Women's Rights

The fulfilment of women's rights is closely linked to how tax is raised and spent. While there is great potential for tax to bring about positive changes in women's lives, the way that tax policies

Freedom to Move

Millions of people use public transport - the lifeblood of cities and the most efficient way to move people - every day. But by failing to cater for the specific needs of women and girls, transport


Global Goal on Adaptation: From concept to practice

The climate crisis we face today is a result of historical greenhouse gas emissions primarily from developed countries and already posing an unjust burden on developing countries.The Paris Agreement


The Learning Generation: Domestic Tax and Education

Globally there are some fundamental challenges in education –with 121 million primary or lower secondary age children out of school (EFAGMR 2015) and 250 million children who are in school but not


Financing Matters

This toolkit aims to support civil society organisations and education activists across low- and middle-income countries to advocate and campaign on issues related to financing for education, as a


Hotter Planet, Humanitarian Crisis

The world is currently enduring an unprecedented combination of climate-related crises. We are living through what will almost certainly be the hottest year on record, and have faced one of the


Malawi’s tax treaties: from independence to 2015

What’s a tax treaty?A tax treaty is an agreement between two countries to divide up and limit each country’s’ taxing rights. Among other things, tax treaties regulate when a country can or can’t tax

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Not Ready, Still Waiting

Governments must urgently improve gender policies to stand a chance of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on inequalities. As yet, governments in developing countries do not have the


Resilience Building: A guide to flood, cyclone, earthquake, drought and safe schools programming

Disasters, climate change impacts and conflicts affect millions of people every year. They destroy livelihoods and cause huge and often irreversible damage to the economic, social and cultural fabric