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The EU should call for immediate ceasefire to protect civilians caught up in Gaza crisis, says ActionAid

The EU should call for immediate ceasefire to protect civilians caught up in Gaza crisis, says ActionAid

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Horrific Breach of Humanitarian Law: Gaza's Al Ahli Al Arabi Al Ma'amadani Hospital, a Civilian Sanctuary, Bombed in Single Biggest Strike in Conflict So Far

Horrific Breach of Humanitarian Law: Gaza's Al Ahli Al Arabi Al Ma'amadani Hospital, a Civilian Sanctuary, Bombed in Single Biggest Strike in Conflict So Far

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Terrified families returning to Gaza’s north: “We would rather die in dignity in our own homes” 

Terrified families returning to Gaza’s north: “We would rather die in dignity in our own homes” 

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Lives in Peril: Gaza's Pregnant, Nursing Mothers, and Children Face Imminent Danger Amid Desperate Water Shortage

Lives in Peril: Gaza's Pregnant, Nursing Mothers, and Children Face Imminent Danger Amid Desperate Water Shortage

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Evacuation orders for 22 hospitals across Gaza “a breach of international law,” ActionAid warns

Evacuation orders for 22 hospitals across Gaza “a breach of international law,” ActionAid warns

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ActionAid's Letter to the EU: Gaza Crisis

ActionAid's Letter to the EU: Gaza Crisis


No real action from IMF and World Bank. It’s business as usual – which means more debt and austerity - say ActionAid activists at annual meetings

No real action from IMF and World Bank. It’s business as usual – which means more debt and austerity - say ActionAid activists at annual meetings

There seems to be no real action on reforms by the

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ActionAid is horrified by the unprecedented order to expel 1.1 million Palestinians from Northern Gaza

As reports come in of an order shared with the United Nations for Palestinians, humanitarian staff, and medical personnel to move from their homes and communities within the next 24 hours, ActionAid

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ActionAid partner Al-Awda hospital in Gaza given orders to urgently evacuate

ActionAid partner Al-Awda hospital in Gaza given orders to urgently evacuate

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Civilians are not pawns in war games and must be protected

Civilians are not pawns in war games and must be protected, ActionAid says, as staff member loses their home in Gaza bombing