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Migrant women’s resilience in Spain

Migrants, particularly women, are often caught in a web of arbitrarily implemented laws that leave them insecure and vulnerable to exploitation.


International board members

Find out more about ActionAid International’s board members


COP27 spokespeople

ActionAid’s expert spokespeople and young activists from the Global South are available for interviews, briefings, and commentary throughout COP27.  

Publication /

Safety with dignity

This manual provides practical guidance for NGO field staff across a wide range of sectors on how to integrate a community-based protection approach into programmes


ActionAid Feminist research webinars

Join us for a series of empowering webinars hosted by ActionAid UK and ActionAid International, as part of the ActionAid Feminist Research initiative. These engaging sessions will be led by ActionAid


Governments must no longer ignore the soaring costs of the climate crisis in the global south

Harjeet Singh, ActionAid’s global lead on climate, says that "governments can no longer ignore the soaring costs of the climate crisis in the global south."

Africa needs a People’s Vaccine – a Covid-19 vaccine accessible to everybody free of charge

Covid-19 has killed over a hundred thousand people across Africa, decimated African economies, and pushed millions of people into poverty and hunger with no end in sight unless there is a shift to


More than 160 Civil Society Organisations call on MEPs to vote down harmful EU Migration Pact

Amidst warnings from over 50 Civil Society Organisations, EU lawmakers reached a political agreement on the EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum in December. The agreement is a continuation of a

A report that opens doors

Our tool that uncovers how European tax policies and treaties might impact developing countries.

Citizens demand the EU stops stalling on a treaty to ensure that businesses respect human rights

This week saw the publication of the landmark revised draft of a UN treaty which aims to prevent human rights abuses by transnational corporations and other business enterprises, and close existing