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ActionAid’s Five Climate Justice Benchmarks for COP28

ActionAid’s expert spokespeople and youth activists from the Global South are available for interviews,
briefings, and commentary throughout COP28.


ActionAid report: Food and fuel prices skyrocket up to tenfold in the world’s most marginalized communities since the war in Ukraine

The cost of food, fuel, and fertilizer in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities is continuing to escalate to crisis levels since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with families spending up to


European Finance Flows fuelling the climate crisis: The role of Article 2.1c under the UNFCCC

As the EU calls on COP28 climate negotiations to make progress on stopping climate-harming finance flows, its own financial industry continues to fund fossil fuels and other carbon intensive sectors


The Case of the Exogenous Shocks Facility and the Extended Credit Facility to Malawi and their effects on the Poor in Malawi

This report is a critical analysis of how the International Monetary Fund’s new wave of loans to Malawi, the Exogenous Shock Facility (ESF) and the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) fall short as long


Voices of hope and dignity for women smallholder farmers

A collection of amazing and inspiring stories of our work with women smallholder farmers in Rwanda.


Impact of IMF loan to Kenya

A Study analysing Kenya’s Foreign Reserves and the Impact of the $$760 Million Loan (From the IMF) to Kenya’s Development.


East African Taxation Project: Rwanda Country Case Study

Taxation is essential for sustainable development; it supports the basic function of a sustainable state and sets the context for economic growth. It is also essential for responsive government.Yet