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ActionAid strengthens resilience as Cyclone Freddy death toll rises in Malawi

Tropical Cyclone Freddy has made landfall for a second time this week in East Africa, raging through Malawi and causing gusty winds, heavy rainfall, mudslides and increased flooding. The death toll in

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Communities living in fear and on the brink of starvation as violence surges in Haiti 

The ongoing gang violence in Haiti is having a devastating impact on women and girls as food insecurity reaches alarming levels, according to ActionAid.


Standing up for our Rights: Feminist Insights from the Ukraine Response

The response to Russia’s military assault to Ukraine is yet another example of how the international system fails to acknowledge and promote the incredible work of civil society organisations like


Ukraine: Women and girls experiencing escalating levels of violence with no adequate protection as situation worsens ‘by the day’, new report by international charity ActionAid finds 

Human rights charity ActionAid says its deeply concerned that the rights of women and girls affected by the Ukraine conflict are being failed and they aren’t receiving the protection they desperately

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Joint statement against the mass forced displacement of Palestinians in Gaza

We, the undersigned organisations, are appalled over the mass forced displacement of Palestinians in Gaza resulting from Israel's devastating military assault.

Don’t cut women’s lifelines, warns ActionAid

A new report by ActionAid shows that gender-based violence (GBV) is skyrocketing during the Covid-19 pandemic. Published in June 2020.


Transforming Surge Capacity

From 2015-2018, the Transforming Surge Capacity Project, led by ActionAid, was one of 14 projects under the UK Department for International Development’s (DfID) three-year Disasters and Emergencies


AidWatch 2014: Aid beyond 2015

Key messages and findings:Aid quantity:Despite growing humanitarian and development challenges, such as the recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa, EU aid is off track to meet the 0.7% aid target in

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"We look at babies losing their life because we have nothing”: Vital services in Gaza grinding to a halt without fuel

Vital services such as water desalination plants, sewage treatment facilities, and hospitals are grinding to a halt in Gaza due to the chronic lack of fuel, while many have been forced to shut down

The impact of the Ukraine crisis on women, girls, and marginalised groups

Conflicts don’t impact all people equally. For women, girls, and marginalised groups, they face increased risks. Whether this is due to lack of access in times of crisis to key services, or because of