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Young people hold the key to a better future

To mark its 75th anniversary, the United Nations invited people from all over the world to join conversations on how to tackle the challenges we face and how to build a better future for all.


Working for and with young people

Being young is never easy, but in a context of crisis, it is more than challenging. All around the world, young women and men, girls and boys are affected by the consequences of disasters, conflicts

Reactions to the IMF programme in Zambia

ActionAid Zambia’s Country Director, Nalucha Nganga Ziba responds to the recently revealed new IMF programme in Zambia.

Lack of loss and damage funding for climate disasters will damage women and girls’ rights for years to come, new report by ActionAid reveals

A new report by human rights charity ActionAid has revealed the long-term extent of climate disasters on women and girls as vulnerable countries with no access to loss and damage funding are pushed


ActionAid Myanmar Annual Report 2014 - Power in Partnerships

2014: A YEAR OF BUILDING STRONG PARTNERSHIPS2014 was a year dedicated to building and consolidating partnerships at all levels in order to deepen and broaden our outreach further. We were particularly


US announcement on Israeli settlements ‘dangerous and unlawful’

Ibrahim Ibraigheth, country director of ActionAid Palestine, responds to the announcement by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that the US will no longer consider Israeli settlements in the occupied West

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Not Ready, Still Waiting

Governments must urgently improve gender policies to stand a chance of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on inequalities. As yet, governments in developing countries do not have the


Palestinian community destroyed by Israeli forces for the fifth time in less than three months

ActionAid Palestine condemns the illegal and forcible transfer of the community of Humsa Al Bqai’a in the Jordan Valley. This community has been dismantled four times in one week and for the fifth

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Plans for debt restructuring in Zambia are an urgent first step

Devastating droughts and floods have already pushed many ordinary Zambians deeper into poverty, and will cripple our economy unless the rich nations who caused global warming provide the funds to

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ActionAid Zambia reaffirms its position on the IMF Managing Director’s visit.

Zambia will be expecting the IMF Managing Director alongside the US Treasury Secretary for a high-profile country visit. Against the backdrop of debt distress, the Zambian government reached an