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Fifty Years of Failure: The IMF, Debt and Austerity in Africa

ActionAid’s report ‘Fifty Years of Failure: the IMF, Debt and Austerity in Africa’ is based on new research and powerful personal testimonies from across 10 African countries. It is timed to coincide

Calls for greater action from the South African government following rise in violence against women and xenophobic attacks

ActionAid country directors from across Africa have issued a joint statement in solidarity with those protesting against xenophobic attacks in South Africa


Agroecology in Southern Africa: Financing the Transition

While national agricultural policies and budgets in Southern Africa are moving toward agroecology, they are still largely focused on support for conventional, industrial farming practices, says a new

ActionAid comments on the Africa Adaptation Summit

Commenting on the Africa Adaptation Summit taking place in Rotterdam on 5th September, Nils Mollema, Climate Justice Policy Advisor at ActionAid Netherlands, says:


ActionAid Country Directors in Africa call for an end to debt distress

The IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings are taking place in Africa for the first time in 50 years. The last such meeting was held in Kenya in 1973, coincidentally the year of the military coup against


Charter of Demands: Actualizing women's land rights in Africa

The Kilimanjaro Initiative is a rural women’s mobilisation from across Africa towards an iconic moment at the foot of Mt Kilimanjaro in October 2016. The Kilimanjaro Initiative was conceived when, we


Policy Brief: Incorporation of Women’s Economic Empowerment and Unpaid Care Work into regional polices: Africa

Time to start caring – how ignoring Unpaid Care Work is holding back economic empowerment of Africa’s rural women Agriculture accounts on average for one third of Africa’s GDP and women make up as

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Over 18 million girls missing school in Africa as continent loses USD29 billion in education funding through flawed taxation

A staggering 18,8m girls are out of primary school in Africa according to a new report by the Tax and Education (TaxEd) Alliance and its allies.


ActionAid Media Briefing - Illicit Financial Flows and Tax Avoidance in Africa

Illicit financial flows deprive Africa of billions of dollars each year, more than is received in overseas development aid or foreign direct investment combined.  Up to two-thirds of these illicit


Over 36 million face hunger every day in the Horn of Africa: ActionAid calls for urgent funding

The international humanitarian organisation ActionAid is calling on the governments of Italy, Qatar, the United Kingdom, and the United States to immediately support the humanitarian response in the