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Collect more – and more fairly?

Long-term funding is needed in developing countries to provide quality, gender-responsive public services.

New ActionAid research shows stark reality of Covid-19’s impact on young women’s lives in the developing world

ActionAid surveyed 1,219 young women living in urban areas across India, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa revealing lockdown measures have aggravated the pre-existing inequalities they face.

Young women in South Africa demanding for decent work

Making Tax Work for Women's Rights

The fulfilment of women's rights is closely linked to how tax is raised and spent. While there is great potential for tax to bring about positive changes in women's lives, the way that tax policies

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Making tax work for girls’ education

Globally, there are 264 million primary and secondary age children and youth out of school. More girls than boys currently receive no primary education and many pupils in school in developing

Nurses fight to provide care despite funding cuts in Malawi

ActionAid Malawi work with NAM through advocacy work. The Malawi government, as instructed by the IMF and World Bank, were told to freeze employment of nurses, doctors and teachers. ActionAid are

Young Urban Women (YUW) and The Nurses Association of Malawi (NAM) an ActionAid Partner, Norah, a paediatric nurse