Women and the City 2
It is now well recognized that women and girls around the world face violence, sexual harassment and abuse in many of the spaces that they inhabit – their homes, workplaces, educational institutes, on

From marginalisation to empowerment
The potential of land rights to contribute to gender equality – observations from Guatemala, India and Sierra Leone.For many years, activists have campaigned for women’s rights to access, control, and

Violence Against Women in the Gaza Strip
Following the Israeli military Operation Protective Edge in summer 2014, this reports presents the findings of a study initiated by ActionAid and Alianza por la Solidaridad (Alianza) on violence

Young Urban Women: Exploring Interlinkages: Bodily Integrity, Economic Security and Equitable Distribution of Unpaid Care Work
ActionAid and its partners have, since 2013, been working to address the issues of bodily integrity and economic security among approximately 5800 young women in the age group of 15- 25 years in seven

Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture (CRSA) Experiences
Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture (CRSA) is an initiative ActionAid and partners have been developing, based on the science and practices of agroecology and the recognition of people’s right

Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture: Experiences from ActionAid and its partners
Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture (CRSA) is an initiative ActionAid and partners have been developing, based on the science and practices of agroecology and the recognition of people’s right

THE CHANGE WE WITNESS: Stories from Myanmar
Since ActionAid established a presence in Myanmar the country and its people – as well as the organisation itself – have undergone extraordinary changes. Through four stories from the field, this

ActionAid Myanmar Annual Report 2013: Empowering people for change
A reflection of ActionAid's work in Myanmar in 2013

ActionAid Asia: Investing in Change
At ActionAid, we believe that people living in poverty can lead the fight to end poverty.We work with millions of the poorest and most excluded people - particularly women - making long-term

Rebuilding Lives post 2010 floods
This publication summarises ActionAid's response to the Pakistan floods of 2010, illustrated by stories from those affected. The document highlights some of the key achievements of our work and