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“Increasingly difficult to bridge the divide”: ActionAid reflects on six months into the humanitarian response to Ukraine crisis

Six months since Russia invaded Ukraine, five of ActionAid’s humanitarian aid workers reflect on their experiences working with refugees in and around Ukraine.
Protection for women and children

50 Million People Trapped in Modern Slavery

A recent UN report ‘Global Estimates of Modern Slavery’ which shows that the number of people trapped in forced labour and forced marriage have increased significantly in the last five years to an

Why ActionAid is working to tackle modern slavery     

Attention must be dedicated to upholding human rights in the world of work.  

‘Deadliest year’: Nearly 40 children among over 230 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces and settlers in 2022.

ActionAid is deeply concerned about the increasing attacks and excessive use of force imposed by Israeli forces and settlers against Palestinians, particularly the impact this is having on women and

The impact of the Ukraine crisis on women, girls, and marginalised groups

Conflicts don’t impact all people equally. For women, girls, and marginalised groups, they face increased risks. Whether this is due to lack of access in times of crisis to key services, or because of

ActionAid “pleased” to see The Gambian parliament uphold its ban on FGM/C

Responding to the vote in The Gambia’s parliament today to uphold the country’s ban on FGM/C