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Fifty Years of Failure: The IMF, Debt and Austerity in Africa

ActionAid’s report ‘Fifty Years of Failure: the IMF, Debt and Austerity in Africa’ is based on new research and powerful personal testimonies from across 10 African countries. It is timed to coincide


Key recommendations from the Feminists for a Binding Treaty

The Feminists for a Binding Treaty (F4BT) will join discussions at Geneva this week on a Binding Treaty to regulate corporate impacts on human rights. In order to account for the gendered and


Transforming Education Financing Toolkit

Transforming education toolkit


Taxing windfall profits of fossil fuels and financial companies can boost climate finance

As millionaires and billionaires fly into Davos this week to discuss the state of the world, efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change are desperately underfunded. Long-term solutions to ensure


Social Movements Engagement Guidance

ActionAid is pleased to announce the release of our comprehensive Social Movements Engagement Guidance.


ActionAid’s Whistleblowing Policy

The ActionAid whistleblowing system aims to reinforce the organisation’s commitment to its policies, values, attitudes and behaviours. The system provides an alternative channel to other reporting

Publication /

Over 18 million girls missing school in Africa as continent loses USD29 billion in education funding through flawed taxation

A staggering 18,8m girls are out of primary school in Africa according to a new report by the Tax and Education (TaxEd) Alliance and its allies.


Briefings on Climate Justice and Finance

ActionAid, Christian Aid, Oxfam, Power Shift Africa, Re-Course, Urgewald and have produced a series of short one page explainer briefings on why we need to #FixTheFinance.


Compelled to Flee: Cycles of Israeli forced displacement of Palestinians

Joint ActionAid, Oxfam and Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights briefing report.


ActionAid joins 96 organisations in calling on the World Bank and IMF to support universal social security

United with 96 human rights, faith-based, and economic justice organizations, ActionAid joins this global call for the right to social security.