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ActionAid partners assess damage after devastating tsunami hits Tonga

Young women trained as emergency first responders are assessing the scale of the damage in their communities after the Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha'apai volcano erupted in Tonga.

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Clean water an urgent priority in Tongan tsunami response

Women trained as emergency first responders in Tonga through the Shifting the Power Coalition are mobilising rapidly to distribute clean water to their communities after water sources were polluted by

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One year after Myanmar military’s seizure of power, aid agencies call for increased effort to end human suffering

The recent upsurge in military airstrikes and indiscriminate attacks against civilians in Myanmar highlight the failure of efforts to protect civilians from harm and find a durable solution to the


Statement on ActionAid International’s Secretary General

ActionAid International announces that it has mutually agreed with Ms. Julia Sanchez to end her term as Secretary General.

EU’s gender-blind corporate due diligence proposal risks leaving women behind

Brussels – As the European Commission publishes its proposal for a Sustainable Corporate Due Diligence Directive, ActionAid International raises concerns that the draft legislation fails to

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Heavy rains threaten communities left homeless by Tropical Storm Ana

Heavy rains and Tropical Cyclone Batsirai are threatening communities in Southern Africa left reeling after Tropical Storm Ana destroyed their homes, schools and farmland.

ActionAid’s emergency teams

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Afghanistan humanitarian crisis: Governments must ensure aid reaches those most in need

As talks focusing on Afghanistan’s humanitarian crisis begin in Oslo, ActionAid is calling on all governments to ensure that life-saving support can reach the communities most in need.


Myanmar: A year of violence and unrest leaves millions of families in need of protection and support

One year on from the military takeover on 1 February 2021, Myanmar is facing a deepening humanitarian crisis as political turmoil, violence and Covid-19 push families deeper into poverty and hunger.

EU fails to deliver on climate finance at Africa Summit

ActionAid responds as leaders of the nations most responsible for the climate crisis fail to deliver solutions.

IPCC report presents a harrowing catalogue of climate impacts

As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) releases its hard-hitting report on climate impacts, ActionAid is calling for a global system to support climate vulnerable countries to rebuild