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Putting ideas to work future: youth design their own futures

[ibimage==30641==image_content_medium==none==self==ibimage_right==Agatha Akankunda presents employment ideas at the Social Design-a-Thon in Kampala, Uganda.]Youth unemployment is one of the biggest


Assessing implementation of the Voluntary Tenure Guidelines and the AU Framework and Guidelines for Land Policy: A toolkit approach

Access to and control over land and natural resources is crucial to people’s livelihoods and to ensuring secure livelihoods, their rights to food, water, work, housing and a healthy environment


ActionAid’s approach to youth programming: A fundamental force for development

ActionAid’s experience of strengthening youth participation across the programme cycle in seven countries, using a specialised Youth Programming Toolkit, draws upon the organisation’s long-standing


Don’t COP Out! Compensate for Climate Chaos

Success at the upcoming 17th Conference of Parties (COP 17) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Durban, South Africa, in large part depends on the willingness of

Don’t cut women’s lifelines, warns ActionAid

A new report by ActionAid shows that gender-based violence (GBV) is skyrocketing during the Covid-19 pandemic. Published in June 2020.


No real action from IMF and World Bank. It’s business as usual – which means more debt and austerity - say ActionAid activists at annual meetings

No real action from IMF and World Bank. It’s business as usual – which means more debt and austerity - say ActionAid activists at annual meetings

There seems to be no real action on reforms by the


The Human Costs of the Food Crisis: How Price Spikes are Wreaking Havoc Across the Globe

ActionAid’s new research finds that as the world faces an unprecedented cost of living crisis, local communities in the Global South are dealing with the consequences of severe price rises in food

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$2.8bn ‘tax gap’ exposed by ActionAid research reveals tip of the iceberg of ‘Big Tech’s big tax bill’ in the global south

New research from ActionAid International reveals that 20 developing countries could be missing out on as much as $2.8bn in tax revenue from Facebook, Alphabet Inc. (parent company of Google) and


Systems change to food security

Food is essential to life. Food not only provides the basic sustenance for physical survival and nutrition for healthy human existence; food is also a key element of people’s culture and rights!