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Evaluation of ActionAid's response to 2011 drought and food crisis in Kenya

In 2011 a drought and food crisis in the Horn of Africa affected an estimated 13 million people.  In parts of Kenya, the disaster was considered to be the worst to afflict the country in over 60 years


Don't COP Out!

Don't COP Out!This report highlights the devestating impacts climate change is having on developing countries and outlines the crucial decisions which need to be made by developed countires during the


African Women’s Land Rights Conference Final Report

ActionAid International, ACORD and Oxfam with support from other partners convened the African Women’s Land Rights Conference, from the 30th May to the 2nd June 2011 in Nairobi, Kenya to discuss the


Farming as Equals: How supporting women's rights and gender equality makes the difference

Smallholder farmers currently produce 90 per cent of food in Africa and around half of all food worldwide. Across the developing world, women account for 60 to 80 per cent of these farmers. Yet, the


Annual Report 2014

This year we kept the spotlight on women’s rights in all our work. This included supporting women and indigenous groups to strengthen their control over land and natural resources by lobbying for


TaxEd Alliance

The TaxEd Alliance brings together in partnership global tax justice and education actors to make a transformative breakthrough in the domestic financing of public education. ActionAid, the Global


Implications of IMF Loans and Conditionalities on the Poor and Vulnerable in Ghana

The global financial crisis which affected most economies in 2008 has witnessed the resurgence of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to its earlier global relevance of providing financing for


Harnessing Synergies - mainstreaming climate change adaptation in disaster risk reduction programmes and policies

Across the globe, practitioners and policy makers are increasingly recognising the importance of bringing together disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA).  But how can you


On the brink: Who's best prepared for a climate and hunger crisis?

As the global population hits 7 billion this month, ActionAid has today warned that a triple crisis of climate change, desolated natural resources and rocketing food prices, could dwarf the world’s


Climate change, urban flooding and the rights of the urban poor in Africa

This report examines the impact of climate change on urban communities in six African cities, and looks at how people are coping with and adapting to increasingly frequent and severe episodes of