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IPC’s imminent famine announcement a “grim milestone for millions of Palestinians” and a “stain on humanity’s conscience”

In response to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report forecasting imminent famine in northern Gaza, ActionAid has denounced the announcement as a "stain on humanity’s

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“It is a major crisis...our most basic need is water”: Desperation as lack of clean water in Gaza sees disease and illness spread 

Today on World Water Day (March 22), as around the globe access to safe water is upheld as a fundamental human right, people in Gaza are experiencing dehydration and falling ill amid unsanitary

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Communities living in fear and on the brink of starvation as violence surges in Haiti 

The ongoing gang violence in Haiti is having a devastating impact on women and girls as food insecurity reaches alarming levels, according to ActionAid.

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ActionAid “categorically denounces” the reported forcible transfer of millions from Rafah to so-called “humanitarian islands”

Riham Jafari, Communications and Advocacy Coordinator at ActionAid Palestine, said:

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Israel’s decision to block aid into northern Gaza "an outrage" and “a death sentence” for hundreds of thousands of Palestinians on the brink of famine

ActionAid has condemned Israel’s decision to block the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) - the largest relief agency in Gaza

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Joint NGO Submission under National Security Memorandum 20: The State of the Humanitarian Response in Gaza

Two million civilians in Gaza are suffering hunger, displacement, and risk of death on an unprecedented scale. Their appalling situation is the responsibility of all parties to the conflict. As

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ActionAid's reaction to flooding in Maputo

Responding after heavy rains caused flooding in Maputo, ActionAid International Climate Justice Lead, Teresa Anderson said:

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ActionAid's response to the UN Security Council vote

“We are relieved to see the UN Security Council finally take a stand for humanity and use its voice to collectively call for a desperately-needed ceasefire in Gaza.

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ActionAid reacts to the UN Security Council vote

“It is disappointing to see the UN Security Council yet again fail to take seriously its mandate to maintain peace and promote human rights by refusing to come together and determine that an immediate