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TEGINT Mid-Term Review

Transforming Education for Girls in Nigeria and Tanzania (TEGINT) is a five-year £4 million Comic Relief funded project coordinated by ActionAid. TEGINT aims to achieve a transformation in girls’


ILOPS report on parental participation

The ILOPS research explores the different ways in which parents participate in school, including their interaction with teachers and within communities. Research teams also examined how parents


AAI 2010 Financial Report and Accounts

This report and the attached financial statements bring together the activities and financial position of all of the entities that work under the name ActionAid International.


Empowering People for Change - ActionAid Myanmar's Strategy 2012-2017

Empowering People for Change - ActionAid Myanmar's Strategy 2012-2017 This country strategy is guided by ActionAid International’s strategy, ‘People’s Action to End Poverty’, as well as by the voices

Act On It!

Over the past 15 years, large investors have acquired tens of millions of hectares of land in developing countries. This report details how governments can use these four steps with a checklist of

New Alliance, New Risk of Land Grabs

Ten African countries have signed up to the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition – the G8 countries’ main strategy for supporting agriculture in Africa that was launched in 2012. As the New


Caught in the Net: How “net-zero emissions” will delay real climate action and drive land grabs.

United Nations (UN) climate negotiations must urgently and equitably address climate change, and lead to rapid cuts in emissions of greenhouse gases if our planet is to have any hope of stabilising


ActionAid Myanmar Annual Report 2014 - Power in Partnerships

2014: A YEAR OF BUILDING STRONG PARTNERSHIPS2014 was a year dedicated to building and consolidating partnerships at all levels in order to deepen and broaden our outreach further. We were particularly

Publication /

An Extractive Affair

Malawi, the poorest country in the world, has lost out on US$43 million in revenue over the last six years, from a single company: the Australian mining company Paladin. This money has been lost


Annual Report 2014

This year we kept the spotlight on women’s rights in all our work. This included supporting women and indigenous groups to strengthen their control over land and natural resources by lobbying for