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Promoting community and women’s leadership in building resilience: Lessons from the Ready for Anything project

This is a summary publication of the main lessons learned from ActionAid flagship project Ready for Anything that was implemented from July 2013 to December 2016. The project promoted a holistic


Annual Report 2016

In 2016, ActionAid and those it works alongside – people living with poverty and injustice, their communities, and other organisations and allies – achieved important changes and victories in the


Missed Opportunity: how could funds lost to tax incentives in Africa be used to fill the education finance gap?

How much revenue do African governments lose from providing tax incentives, such as giving companies tax holidays and exemptions on paying taxes on import duties and value added tax? And if these


Out of Pocket: how much are parents paying for public education that should be free?

According to international human rights law, primary education should be free of charge, and secondary education should be made progressively free. Yet in many developing countries education is rarely

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Stemming the spills

Over the past decade, scandal after scandal has exposed how multinational companies use national tax systems to avoid paying tax in a third country.

Tax, privatisation and the right to education

This report brings together participatory research carried out in Ghana, Kenya, Uganda and Pakistan as part of the Tax, Privatisation and Right to Education multi country project.


Toolkit to address the interlinkages: Economic Security, Bodily Integrity and Unpaid Care Work for Young Urban Women

In order to simplify the understanding of the inter-linkages between economic security, bodily integrity and unpaid care, the Young Urban Women project has now developed a toolkit which has built on


Gender-Responsive Public Services and Young Urban Women’s Economic Empowerment: A report on research in Ghana and South Africa

In 2016 we worked with the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) based at the University of Sussex in the UK to conduct a research in Ghana and South Africa to examine the relationship between young

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The effects of privatisation on girls’ access to free, quality public education

Governments have a duty to ensure the right to free, public education of good quality for all. However, in many countries, the low quality of public education is driving parents to pay for private