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Fifty Years of Failure: The IMF, Debt and Austerity in Africa

ActionAid’s report ‘Fifty Years of Failure: the IMF, Debt and Austerity in Africa’ is based on new research and powerful personal testimonies from across 10 African countries. It is timed to coincide


Resilience Building: A guide to flood, cyclone, earthquake, drought and safe schools programming

Disasters, climate change impacts and conflicts affect millions of people every year. They destroy livelihoods and cause huge and often irreversible damage to the economic, social and cultural fabric


A just peace? The legacy of war for the women of Afghanistan

October 7 2011 marks 10 years since British and American forces intervened in Afghanistan, responding to the threat to global security following the attacks of September 11 2001. At the time


Women and the City 2

It is now well recognized that women and girls around the world face violence, sexual harassment and abuse in many of the spaces that they inhabit – their homes, workplaces, educational institutes, on


Post 2015: business as usual or bending the arc of history?

As we approach the 2015 deadline for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), discussions about what should follow them offer a historic opportunity to rethink global development. The post-2015 agenda


From Conflict to Cooperation

Introduction: The programme in Kayin StateKayin is an ethnic state located in eastern Myanmar on the border of Thailand. For more than half a century after independence the state was marred by armed


ActionAid Asia: Investing in Change

At ActionAid, we believe that people living in poverty can lead the fight to end poverty.We work with millions of the poorest and most excluded people - particularly women - making long-term


Briefing on Impact of Tax Incentives in Rwanda

Every year Rwanda foregoes about a quarter of its potential tax revenue through tax incentives and exemptions given to businesses to attract private sector investment. Is this money well spent?This


Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools final report

The Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools (DRRS) Project, exclusively funded the UK’s Department for International Development, was implemented from October 2005 to December 2010 by ActionAid