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Strategies for success - Access to Justice for Women

In early 2009, ActionAid and Women for Women International Nigeria embarked on a two-year, multi-country initiative entitled “Access to Justice for Women”. Funded by the UK’s Department for


Take Action- Stop EcoEnergy's land grab

Rural communities in the Bagamoyo district of Tanzania are opposing a much-lauded sugar cane plantation project planned by EcoEnergy, a Swedish-owned company that has secured a lease of over 20,000


A cross-country analysis of baseline research from Nigeria and Tanzania

This report analyses data from the Baseline Study conducted for the Transforming Education for Girls in Nigeria and Tanzania (TEGINT) project in Nigeria and Tanzania between 2007 and 2009. TEGINT is a


Women and the City 2

It is now well recognized that women and girls around the world face violence, sexual harassment and abuse in many of the spaces that they inhabit – their homes, workplaces, educational institutes, on


Insights and experiences from Ghana and Rwanda: hidden intersections on women’s rights and climate resilient sustainable agriculture

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs funded ActionAid International to implement the Women’s Rights to Sustainable Livelihoods project in Ghana and Rwanda between 2012 and 2015. The purpose of the


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Transforming Education for Girls in Tanzania: Baseline research summary report

This report is the culmination of much work by the Transforming Education for Girls in Nigeria and Tanzania (TEGINT) project partnership, in particular the work of the national implementing partner in

The wrong model for resilience

The G7-backed African Risk Capacity (ARC) drought insurance policy was an experiment that failed Malawi, and in particular its women, in the face of a drought that need not have become a disaster. The


A cross-country analysis of baseline research from Kenya, Ghana and Mozambique

This report presents findings from baseline studies carried out in three districts in Kenya, Ghana and Mozambique for Stop Violence Against Girls in School, a five year project (2008­2013) led by


Who we are

ActionAid is a global federation working to achieve social justice and gender equality, and to eradicate poverty.