‘Back Way’ to Europe: How can The Gambia better address migration and its development challenges?
In the four years 2014-17, some 1.7 million people risked their lives by fleeing across the Mediterranean Sea for Europe, a journey in which over 13,000 have died or have gone missing. This report is

Research report on land rights in EC report on biofuels 2013
In March 2013 the European Commission produced a report on the impacts of EU biofuels policies on people and their rights to food and land globally. With this research report and summary, ActionAid is
ActionAid exposé of breach of Policy Coherence for Development obligation by the European Commission
In March 2013 the European Commission produced a report on the impacts of EU biofuels policies on people and their rights to food and land globally. With this research report and summary, ActionAid is
Plenary - Vote for sustainable biofuels
Broken Promises
In 2014, the Swiss company Addax Bioenergy will begin exporting ethanol from a sugar cane plantation in Sierra Leone to the EU. This will be the first commercial quantities of biofuels to be exported

Penalty Against Poverty – More and better EU aid can score Millennium Development Goals
This year’s annual AidWatch Report comes at a critical moment in the complex and ever changing struggle to eradicate poverty and inequality worldwide. In September this year, a UN Summit will be held

Real Aid 3
The kind of aid that helps support dramatic decreases in aid dependence is what ActionAid calls real aid – that’s aid which empowers poor women and men to realise their rights, and reduces inequality

Milking the Poor - How EU subsidies hurt dairy producers in Bangladesh
For decades, European dairy farmers have been given massive subsidies under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union (EU). This has enabled them to export cheap milk powder, among

Climate Change Knows No Borders
The environmental repercussions of climate change are increasingly affecting larger segments of the world’s population.

Towards a gender-responsive transposition of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive - ActionAid Webinar
Following ActionAid’s latest report, “Towards a gender-responsive transposition of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive”, we hosted a webinar on the 20th of November as an opportunity