The Role of the EU in ensuring Global Tax Justice
This paper, a part of the "Spotlight on EU Policy Coherence for Development" series, identifies and elaborates key reforms of the international tax system that the EU must push for ahead of the Addis

Levelling Up: Ensuring a fairer share of corporate tax for developing countries
Key messages of this reportinternational corporate taxation is broken and archaic and it harms all countries, especially developing countries.The Base erosion and profit Shifting (BepS) project will

A call for action to ensure strong regulation of the financial sector to avoid environmental, social and governance risks
Across Africa, Latin America and Asia families are being forced off their land and rainforests razed to the ground – for projects backed by European money.Companies looking for land to grow crops for

Sustainability Now!: CMU Mid-Term Review
The Capital Markets Union (CMU) aims to stimulate the EU economy by further integrating the capital markets of Member States. The Action Plan on Building a Capital Markets Union was launched in 2015

Stemming the spills
Over the past decade, scandal after scandal has exposed how multinational companies use national tax systems to avoid paying tax in a third country.

Removing Barriers to Justice
Access to justice for victims of business-related human rights violations is a widespread and growing problem around the world. Complaints of human rights abuses committed by multi-national businesses

The European External Investment Plan: True or False?
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NGO recommendations for the EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan
The European financial framework should be reformed in order to align EU financial policies and legislation with environmental, social and governance factors (ESG), notably from international

NGO recommendations on Sustainable Agriculture, Rural Entrepreneurs and Agribusiness Investment Window
We welcome the publication of the European Commission document explaining the rationale, operation and possible policy actions in the field of agriculture under the European External Investment Plan

Analysis of the EFSD Investment Window on Sustainable and Inclusive Cities
People living in cities all over the world are becoming more active agents of change in international sustainable development and the clean energy transition. Cities and local authorities are