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Rooted Resilience: a year of stories.

Rooted resilience is a yearlong project aiming to shine a spotlight on climate solutions and positive practices of agroecology, because agroecological farming works with nature instead of against it. 

‘Our lives will never be the same’, say Niger Delta communities devastated by Shell gas flares

“Gas flares have destroyed everything we have in this community, the flares are an oppression,” says Alice Goldsmith, a community leader in the Niger Delta in Nigeria, in a new film by ActionAid.

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Four-day humanitarian pause will do little to improve dire conditions in Gaza

The four-day humanitarian pause which came into effect yesterday will do little to improve the dire conditions being endured by 2.3million people in Gaza. While, after seven weeks of near-constant


ActionAid partner, Al-Awda hospital hit by bombing, killing three doctors

We are horrified to learn that Al-Awda hospital in the north of Gaza, a partner of ActionAid, has today been hit by bombing. Three doctors were killed after the fourth floor of the building was hit


ActionAid responds to the announcement of a four-day pause

"We welcome the news of a four-day truce which will allow for a scale-up of humanitarian aid in Gaza and will lead to the release of hostages and Palestinian prisoners, many of whom are children

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Mont des Arts lit up with remarkable projection demanding ceasefire

On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, a call for a permanent and immediate ceasefire was projected at Mont des Arts in Brussels.

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ActionAid welcomes the operationalisation of the Loss and damage fund at COP28 as an imperfect but important first step toward addressing climate impacts

ActionAid welcomes the operationalisation of the Loss and damage fund at COP28 as an imperfect but important first step toward addressing climate impacts 


The world is living on borrowed time – fossil fuels must go

Fossil fuels haven’t even succeeded in meeting the energy needs of the world’s poor, while leaving them to suffer all the climate harm, ActionAid says.


Emirates Declaration on agriculture is a missed moment to tackle the most pressing issues

"Industrial agriculture is the second largest source of global greenhouse gas emissions, largely due to its reliance on fossil-fuelled fertilisers, and its role in driving deforestation and factory


Reaction to the release of the Energy Transition Accelerator Framework

Kelly Stone, Senior Policy Analyst with ActionAid USA, had this to say:
“To meet the Paris Agreement goal of limiting warming to 1.5°C, a fast, full, and funded fossil fuel phase-out is a necessity