Joint NGO Statement on Global Humanitarian Overview Launch

Despite years of preventable suffering, human casualties and violence on a catastrophic scale, millions of forcibly displaced, massive and often deliberate destruction of homes, hospitals, schools and other critical civilian infrastructure, and increasingly, climate emergencies, there are no real and clear political resolutions to put an end to numerous crises.
As diverse NGOs delivering aid across multiple crises, in accordance with humanitarian principles, we bear witness to growing humanitarian needs and the tremendous suffering of millions of people. We also witness the incredible resilience and courage of communities to withstand shocks and rebuild their lives, if adequately, timely and equitably supported.
Despite donor generosity, the funding of global appeals in 2023 amounted to only 35%[1], leaving millions exposed to hunger, diseases, and pervasive protection risks, bereft of essential services. In such scenarios, women and children are disproportionately affected, and hard-won development gains reversed.
Although we see escalating needs, the total number of People in Need outlined in the 2024 GHO was reduced by almost 64 million compared to 2023. This reduction reflects progress in collective efforts to improve food and nutrition security in some locations. But it is also a result of “boundary setting” prioritisation that will effectively provide aid to some while denying it to others. As the lifeline for many will be cut or reduced, protection risks, including the risk of sexual exploitation and abuse, will skyrocket. We warn of the risk of making People in Need invisible and recall our collective commitment to leave no one behind.
We value OCHA’s and various HCTs’ efforts to prepare evidence-based appeals. But we also recognise constraints to conduct needs assessment in specific contexts and call for upholding an impartial needs- based targeting approach, informed by age, gender, and disability disaggregated data, as well as by the views and priorities of affected people.
The international community must not let people down twice. It is already failing to address the root causes of conflicts, climate change, and other drivers of humanitarian needs. Existing and new donors must fully fund the 2024 GHO, including the work of international, national and local NGOs who have demonstrated to be best placed to reach affected people. We also urge development actors to play a more active role to bring in substantive and sustainable additional resources to work in strategic collaboration with humanitarian actors to reduce needs over time.
Signed by the following NGOs:
ActionAid International
CARE International
The Lutheran World Federation
Caritas Internationalis
Norwegian Refugee Council
Christian Aid
Danish Refugee Council
Plan International
Feminist Humanitarian Network
Save the Children
Humanity & Inclusion – Handicap International
World Vision International